AFMC wants Arkansans on Medicaid to get good medical care. That’s why we work with Medicaid to figure out how to make service better. We conduct surveys that ask you questions about the quality of care you get. We also take your complaints or suggestions about Medicaid’s Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) services. We talk to doctors, Medicaid staff, and others who can help you with your health care.
What is Medicaid?
- Medicaid is a program that helps you pay for the medical care you need.
- Medicaid uses state and federal money to pay these bills. In Arkansas, the Department of Human Services (DHS) runs the Medicaid program.
- Medicaid is not the same thing as Medicare. Medicare pays for medical services for people aged 65 and older and for disabled people.
What is ARKids First?
- ARKids First is health care insurance for children whose families’ income is below a certain amount and who cannot get insurance through their parent’s employer.
- ARKids First has two programs: ARKids First A and ARKids First B.
- ARKids First A is Medicaid for children.
- ARKids First B is for children of people who make too much money to get Medicaid but still not enough to afford health insurance through their job or from an insurance company.
- When you fill out the ARKids First application, you can apply for both programs. DHS will find out which program your child needs.
What is a medical home?
It may sound like a building, but a medical home isn’t an actual place. It’s a doctor you or your child goes to for check-ups or when you or your child gets sick. This doctor is called a primary care physician, or PCP. It may seem easier to see any doctor you can when you or your child is sick, but having a medical home — one doctor or clinic you call every time — means you are more likely to get the best care possible. If you see the same doctor every time, that doctor will know what sicknesses and health care you have had. You and the doctor will also get to know each other.
What are Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) services?
The Arkansas Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) services provide eligible Medicaid clients with transportation to the nearest qualified Medicaid provider. Think you may need a ride? Find out if you're eligible.
What do you do if you have problems with your Medicaid service?
You can call our toll-free helpline at 888-987-1200.
- If your call pertains to PASSE, Connect Care, or Dental, our hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
- If you need assistance with general Medicaid inquiries or Password Reset for Access Arkansas, our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
We are closed on weekends and all federal holidays. We’re there every day of the week except on state holidays. You can still use the helpline even if you speak Spanish or are hearing impaired. Visit our Medicaid complaint web page to find out more.
Why do you get surveys from Medicaid?
If you’re on Medicaid or ARKids First, you might get a survey from AFMC. AFMC sends out these surveys to help Medicaid figure out how you feel about your health care. Not everyone will get a survey, but if you do, you might have some questions. If you got a survey, you were chosen at random from a group of Arkansans who get the same kind of Medicaid services. This survey matters. The answers you and others give us are added together. The results tell us whether you’re happy with Medicaid and your health care. You don’t have to answer this survey, but we only send out a small number of surveys, so we need to get back as many as we can. You can help us find out how well Medicaid is serving your needs. This survey will not affect your Medicaid benefits. AFMC conducts this survey for Medicaid. AFMC is not a part of Medicaid. AFMC removes all names and personal information before sending the results to Medicaid. View all of the surveys AFMC manages.
Health Information and Privacy Protection
Privacy Protection
How AFMC protects you
AFMC respects your concerns about personal data protection. Because we value our relationship with you, we comply with federal and state laws and our internal compliance program to protect the privacy of your medical records, personal health information (PHI), and personally identifiable information (PII). AFMC implements a set of processes and system controls designed to ensure the security of your privacy regulated by the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). We put continuous efforts into monitoring potential risk by conducting audits, risk management, security planning, and other FISMA-related best practices. The Standards of Conduct articulates AFMC’s commitment to follow applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including the following: Title XVIII of the Social Security Act; Medicare regulations found in 42 C.F.R., sections 422 and 423; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA); Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and as modified by HITECH Act; False Claims Act (FCA) and the Federal Criminal False Claims statutes; NIST Special Publication 800-26, Department of Defense (DoD) Policy 8500; Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 6/3; ISO/IEC Standard 17799; General Accounting Office (GAO) Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM); and Health and Human Services (HHS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Core Security Requirements.
How to protect yourself
AFMC will protect your privacy as described in this Privacy Statement; however, you should keep in mind that if you voluntarily disclose personal information, especially confidential health information, it is possible that, despite our efforts, information may be accessible to others. You can help guard against this:
- Enable security features on personal mobile devices.
- Use strong passwords with your laptop and mobile accounts.
- Safely dispose of personal information (mail, old hard drives, and computers).
- Ensure that personal computers have the latest security updates to decrease risk.
- Keep hard copies of sensitive information stowed away in a secure cabinet or briefcase.
- Don’t overshare information through social networking.
- Be conscious of web security (internet browser settings).
- Be conscious of your surroundings when carrying sensitive information.