
Pneumonia and Respiratory Infections Are on the Rise. Don't Let Them Ruin Your Holiday Season.

As the fall and winter seasons arrive, you may notice people around you getting sick more often. It’s important to take the right precautions during the holidays to stay healthy and enjoy time with your loved ones without worrying about common illnesses going around. Dr. Chad Rodgers, chief medical officer of AFMC and practicing pediatrician, shares insights with his patients into the common illnesses that affect children during these cooler months, including the flu, RSV, and various viral infections. Here’s an overview of what to expect and how to navigate this busy health season.

Better Community Development: Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Communities

Like most community organizations in our state, Better Community Development started as a resource to address a key need for the central Arkansas community. In 1981, Reverend Robinson founded Black Community Developers, an outreach program built by the Theressa Hoover Memorial United Methodist Church, to address issues in the disadvantaged Midtown community in the 12th Street corridor from University to Woodrow.

Technology as a Healthcare Tool to Enhance Customer Engagement

Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry. Electronic health records have provided easy, secure access to patient health records. Patient portals have facilitated appointment and follow-up scheduling. Perhaps most importantly, advanced screening tools have led to improved patient outcomes. And while many may not notice it, technology often works behind the scenes to enhance consumer engagement.

Safeguarding Healthcare Practice: How Arkansas Medical Foundation Aids Professionals in Need

Healthcare professionals cannot effectively care for patients if they cannot care for themselves. In medical school and residency, up-and-coming healthcare workers learn to prioritize patient care. While this helps promote a patient-centered mindset, it’s also important to maintain your own health and well-being. Thankfully, there are programs designed to assist physicians who struggle to manage their own personal problems while offering high-quality care to their patients.

Health Literacy, An Underused but Valuable Tool in a Doctor's Tool Belt

You’ve just gotten back from the pharmacy, happy to have finally gotten medicine for your headaches. You open the brown baggie and take out the pill bottle. Just before opening the bottle, you read the label: “Take two pills daily.” But wait. Does this mean one pill in the morning and one in the afternoon? Two pills in the morning? Two pills in the afternoon? You decide not to take any because you don’t want to hurt yourself by not following instructions. This is how navigating health care can feel for many. 

Arkansas' United Front Against Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a critical issue affecting the health and well-being of communities across the nation, and Arkansas is no exception. Lack of access to nutritious foods is known to cause adverse health outcomes, with implications that stretch far beyond hunger relief itself. The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) Arkansas Minority Health Commission (AMHC) is making strides toward addressing food insecurity with innovative solutions and partnerships that pave the way for a healthier future.

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