
Rural Health is Public Health

Nearly 1.5 million Arkansans live in primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs), according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. While the HPSA map provides a glimpse of the status of health care access in Arkansas, local clinicians know the true scope of our rural health care gap. With National Rural Health Day falling on Thursday, November 16, 2023, let’s take a minute to learn about Arkansas’s rural health landscape and the work we have to do to help people get the help they need.

Broadband Access: A "Super" Determinant of Health

Telehealth services have increased access to health care for many residents in rural Arkansas. However, the use of telehealth services requires a good Internet connection, which is still a problem in more rural areas across the state. In cities like DeWitt, the nearest hospital is 40 minutes away. If DeWitt residents don’t have a strong Internet connection to use telehealth services, they are playing a game of minutes, rushing to get critical care while others don’t have to leave their houses.

The First Arkansas Malaria Case in 20 Years Carries a Lot of History

History often repeats itself. Old trends come back in style. Classic movies get remade for modern audiences. New artists sample songs from back in the day. Sometimes, historical milestones resurface unexpectedly. In early October, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) officials warned the public of a locally acquired case of Malaria in Saline County, one of the first locally contracted malaria cases seen in almost 20 years. Since the warning, ADH has begun capturing mosquitos and testing them for the malaria parasite.

How Does Climate Change Affect Public Health?

Would you talk to a climatologist about health care issues? Recent studies say public health and weather, more specifically, climate change, are more connected than you might think. In fact, a 2010 study of 32 million U.S. births by Environ International states that among 58,681 single births in California, a 10 °F increase in weekly average temperature before delivery was associated with an 8.6% higher risk of preterm birth. For Black mothers, this risk nearly doubles to 15%.

While you may not realize it, climate change is quickly becoming a public health issue. It’s time for health care professionals and patients to take note.

Connecting the Dots: ACEs and Addiction

I saw a quote the other day that really stuck out to me: “Addiction shouldn’t be called ‘addiction.’ It should be called ‘ritualistic comfort-seeking.’” Amazing, right?

That quote is attributed to Dr. Daniel Semrok, who treated Vietnam veterans who became hooked on drugs and alcohol in the 1980s to cope with the PTSD they developed from the war. His point is simple: addiction is as normal of a response to trauma as bleeding is to being cut. When we begin to realize the connection that addiction and trauma have, we can take better steps to meet more of our patients’ needs than what they may have initially come in for.

Consider How Physiological Change Can Affect the Body's Reaction to Medication

Dogs are picky. Sometimes, they do just what you ask them to. Other times, they may not. They’re friendly with one person, and they growl at the next. Sometimes, different breeds get along; sometimes, they don’t. Now that I’m thinking about it, dogs and medication have more similarities than I realized.

Think about it: some drugs work exactly as intended for our patients. Some drugs don’t. Two different drugs may not pose any risk to a patient. But there are times when two different drugs don’t mix well.

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