
Let's Celebrate MOM This Month of May

Arkansas is 47th in the nation in health system performance, according to the Commonwealth Fund 2023 Scorecard. Arkansas has the highest maternal mortality rate and the third-highest infant mortality rate in the nation. This ranking has prompted legislation to take action against several public health issues, including maternal mortality.

Arkansas Representative Mary Bentley joined AFMC TV this week to discuss maternal health. Rep. Bentley’s history includes a passion and drive to support efforts that increase maternal health outcomes for Arkansas women.

Arkansas Hospice — A Family of Care Model

We spend our whole lives writing our story: what school we go to, what job we have, who we spend time with. Many times, we fail to write the last chapter. The last chapter is the best part! It’s where the loose ends get tied up. Where the mystery is solved. Yet, most of us don’t have a plan or know where to turn when we or our loved ones become incapacitated. Arkansas Hospice offers a wide range of services for patients and families so that, in healthcare crises, patients can still receive quality care.

Recruiting Medical Students in a Continuing Physician Shortage

Katy comes from a family of physicians. Her uncle, father, and brother are all practicing physicians. Her grandfather was a physician before he passed. She wants to carry on the legacy, too, creating memorable relationships with patients and saving lives. When Katy begins to research the path to medical school, however, her motivation dwindles. Katy learns of the unprecedented U.S. physician shortage, which has continually increased post-pandemic. The path ahead seems uncertain, and that scares her. How can a student like Katy, so passionate about the field, continue her journey to medical school with several unknowns?

Prioritizing Healthy Eating Habits Is an Easy Way to Control Chronic Illness

You may have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Science shows that this may not be too far from the truth: what you eat greatly impacts your health. Michael Fuller, a graduate research assistant for the University of Central Arkansas’s Master of Science in Dietetics & Nutrition Therapy program, has learned more about the interesting connection between food and health. As a physician, understanding this research will help you provide resources and support to patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, three of Arkansas's most common disease states.

The Fort Smith Boys Home: A Safe Place for Boys to Conquer Their Adversities

To understand the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), think about the body’s fight or flight response to trauma. In the face of trauma, the primitive mind takes over. Anxiety builds, and the body releases energy through an increased heart rate, sweating, or tensing up. Imagine being a child who goes into fight or flight mode every day. Think about how exhausting that would be. How can a child think, reason, learn, or even interact with others when they are spending so much energy being hypervigilant? Eddie Donovan, executive director of the Fort Smith Boys Home, understands the impact ACEs can have on children’s development. For the last 41 years, Fort Smith Boys Home has helped thousands of children develop effective coping skills to overcome their ACEs and begin living healthy lives.

Colorectal Cancer Screenings Are Proven to Save Lives

Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. Despite its proven significance, several myths still cloud public perception of these screenings, particularly colonoscopies. Some believe that colon cancer is a disease that only older people get. Other prevailing myths suggest that colonoscopies are painful and invasive, deterring patients from getting screened. The truth is that there are several different types of colorectal cancer screenings. Over the last decade, there have been advancements in how we understand, screen, and treat colorectal cancer.

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