
Start Young to Prevent Osteoporosis

The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) estimates around 54 million Americans have osteoporosis or low bone mass (osteopenia). Osteoporosis is a disease that gradually weakens your bones to the point where they break easily. It is the most common bone disease, affecting people age 50 or older. It robs many people — mainly older women — of their ability to live independently. Thankfully, we can help our patients prevent osteoporosis by encouraging them to look for the warning signs early and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

9 Best Ways to Prevent Infections

Most common infections are easily preventable if you take a few commonsense precautions. Follow these top tips to prevent an infection from ruining your summer.

Fungal Infections are No Fun, on the Rise in U.S. Hospitals

Fungi are everywhere —that moldy loaf of bread you forgot was sitting on your counter, the athlete’s foot you got last summer, and even the microscopic fungi that sneakily hide in your microbiome. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are millions of fungus types, but only a few hundred can make people sick. In March of 2023, the CDC highlighted the threat of a rapidly increasing fungus (Candida auris) that is causing infections and deaths in hospitals across the country. This newly discovered fungus is only part of a larger increase in fungal infections across the U.S.

Is Your Baby Sleeping Safely?

We've all heard that getting good sleep is a vital part of our health. It affects our growth, how we regulate stress, our immune system, and even our cardiovascular health. For children, and especially newborn babies, safe sleep can literally be the difference between life and death.

12 Tips to Prevent Drunk Driving

There is one way that a drunk driving arrest can be a good thing. It can provide an opportunity for the offender to recognize he or she has a problem with drinking, especially when driving.

What Your Posture Says About You

Your posture has a huge impact on your mental and physical health. It also reveals a lot about you, your attitude and level of confidence.

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